Ways to Protect Your Home From the Cold

Houses covered in snow

Winter is finally on your doorstep, and it's time to protect the home from the bitter cold. So, what are some of the most practical ways to pull that off? True Friends Moving Company will tell you how. Here are five ways to proof your home from the ravages of wintry weather.

Blanket the Home with Insulation

Blankets are great during winter, and your home could stand to have one, too. Making sure your home is properly insulated does wonders for heat retention. Give drafty spaces such as basements and attics a second look, checking that each is well insulated. If either area is unusually chilly, it's a reliable sign that it needs it. This could also serve your residence well during warmer months. Insulation helps keep cooler air inside during hot weather, too.

Seal Doors and Windows

Walk by your doors and windows, put your hand out near the edges of each. Do you feel an icy draft or a blast of cold air? That means those entry points need some sealant. There are a few options to do this. You can caulk the edges to keep the heat inside. You might also want to invest in shrink wrap plastic to seal the windows (make sure to have a blow dryer on hand). Door draft stoppers are relatively inexpensive at local hardware stores, as is door sealant tape. Whichever method you choose, electric bills will be lower, and the toasty warmth will stay in the home where it belongs.

Check Out the Roof

One of the most practical ways to winterize your home is to make sure that its sheltering mechanism is in good shape. That's right; it's time to give your roof a check-up. Ice dams and clogged gutters spell absolute disaster during winter because either can lead to water damage. Instead of waiting around for leakage, make sure the gutters are cleaned and properly positioned. Consider installing gutter guards to help prevent dams and harmful debris.

Cut the Water Flow

Gutters aren't the only fixture that can become victims of the freeze during winter. Outside faucets can get swiped by ice, too. Get rid of any remaining water from garden hoses and spigots to deter bursting pipes (and subsequent, hefty repair bills). If you have the ability and know-how, find the valve that connects to any exterior water faucets and shut them all down. You can rev it back up when warmer weather arrives without worrying about wintry damages.

Get the Furnace Inspected

It's a good idea to have the heating system inspected on an annual basis. Minor issues can be caught before becoming major annoyances. Fixing big blunders means paying a lot of money, too. So, shelling out a little bit cost much less in the long run. Besides, it keeps your heating system on par and running smoothly. After all, it's winter time. Heat is a necessity that keeps your home nice and comfortable.

Looking for more tips to winterize your home? Contact us, and we'll be glad to help you out in any way that we can.
